Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pscychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pscychology - Essay Example To become an effective student we need to use good memory skills like "making an effort to remember the things learnt, controlling the form and subject matter, strengthening neural connection" and "allowing time to solidify pathways" We must firstly be interested in what we are learning. A student should select important topics and categorize them into groups. It is an effective tool for one to read aloud while learning and simultaneously visualize and associate ones thoughts and ideas with the subject matter. Finally consolidate the work by reviewing the matter that that has been already learned. The key components of the training program for improving work group communications would be basically education, based on motivation of the participants. It would include workshops to build participant’s knowledge, kindle their curiosity and bring out their ideas and feelings into the open. It would also include role plays with a lot of fun and discussions that follow a positive attitude. â€Å"Classical conditioning† is a technique used in behavioral training where a natural occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Cognitive social learning is when a response is first established and then gradually strengthened. Operant conditioning builds an association between behavior and the consequence. Therefore man cannot work or do anything by himself without having either a motivation or a consequence that he works towards using either prejudice or discriminative behavior.   Intelligence is a "very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience". A number of theories have come forward in the twentieth century regarding intelligence, Howard Gardners Theory Of Multiple Intelligence has eight different components to measure

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