Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Establish Relationships with Chn and Young People

Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people. As a teaching assistant, the job involves working with young people. In order to establish respectful and professional relationships with these individuals, you should consider all of the children and the range of abilities. To develop a positive working relationship with the pupils, principles and values need to be understood in order for a professional relationship to be formed.Ensuring that the welfare of pupils is at the centre of the school is a key principle that needs to be majorly considered, if not this could seriously affect the relationship between a TA and child as the main needs will not be met. However, as individuals are at different development stages to their peers it means that different appropriate behaviour is needed. An example of this is by the use of empowering pupils through play and learning; however the lower ability of the child means that the child will need mo re assistance, and the activity will need to include more play learning.Instead of the child’s academic needs being the most important, the principle of ensuring physical and personal safety for the child within the working environment is also key. Without the assurance of the child’s safety and well-being, it could lead the child to contribute less towards the activity. Linking back to different needs of children, as a responsible adult it’s important to respect every pupil as an individual.If a group of children are perceived as â€Å"the same† it could seriously affect the children, they could be less willing to take part in activities and also they will feel as if they’re lacking individual encouragement. As well as this, to establish a respectful relationship with children and young people it’s important to show considerate and caring attitude towards the children. If the teaching assistant implies that they are solely interested in the work, it will allow the children to become unfocused and distracted.However, if the teaching assistant shows a caring attitude towards each individual it could put the child more at ease, and also could allow the child to become more interested within the task. Overall, as long as the teaching assistant is approachable and willing to listen to pupils, as well as being able to give time to the children then this will help to develop a suitable working relationship. As a result of this, it will help the children to communicate as they will be seen as a valued person.

Life †Religion Essay

In my opinion, there is no specific meaning of life. There also is a part of me that thinks that life really doesn’t have a meaning at all. But, since I have to try to define life, I would have to say it’s a combination of things in your life that you are living for, or the purpose of you being on this earth. Everyone most likely has a different purpose for being alive. Whether it is family, school, or your career; those things have a lot of impact on your life and also decisions that you make throughout life. In our society, many families instill faith and morals early into their children’s lives by continuing traditions or practices of religious faith. The idea of faith and moral beliefs are instilled in a person by attending or participating in church activities and reading the Bible or other religious texts. When there is a sound moral foundation in a person’s life it may give them the motivation through faith to build a sound structure for their life or to achieve personal goals. Simply put, a person may believe through faith that it is possible to achieve an education, start a family, or to have a successful business or career because of their foundation in faith. The reason why I somewhat think that life really doesn’t have a meaning, is because no matter what anyone does or how well or righteous someone lives their life, in the end they still die. What happens after that? Nothing, you never come back nor will you have any recollection of what went on during your lifetime here on earth. A person can bust their behind in working doing good for the community and everything else and in the end you still end up in the same place as everyone else, good people or bad people, you die. Another reason why I believe life doesn’t have a meaning is because all of the people in this world have to suffer, they still go through pain, they have to watch loved ones die, they still have to go through heartache, and rough times. Being poor, homeless, and not having food for as single meal in the day. Where is the meaning in life when people have to wake up hungry or worry about where they will lay their head that night? I’d say there is none when you look at it from that perspective. In my opinion, the meaning of life is too complex for the human brain to comprehend. People tend to say that they know what the meaning of life is, but who really knows the answer. There are various opinions and schools of thought, however, most people can never and will never reach a clear understanding of what the meaning of life is. If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. †? Viktor E. Frankl. Frankl could not have said this quote any better, most people can say that they have found meaning in their life but at the same time, there are some people wondering if the only reason they are on this earth is to suffer on a daily basis throughout their entire lives.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Studies: Chapter 1-4

Chapter 1: What’s the Buzz on Smart Grids? 1. How do smart grids differ from the current electricity infrastructure in the United States? One of the main differences between smart grids and present electricity infrastructure in the U. S. is that smart grids provide electricity by utilizing digital technology in order to save energy, to reduce costs, and to increase reliability as oppose to present electricity grids provides electricity which is obsoleted and inefficient (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Another difference is that current electricity grids do not deliver any information about how people utilize energy which makes even more difficult to create approaches to distributions in the efficient manner (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Since current electricity grids do not provide useful information, distributors and consumers may not be able to make proper decisions about how they use energy efficiently (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Conversely, smart grids provide information to both energy provides and consumers so that they can make decisions for better efficiency (U.S. Department of Energy, 2012). Additionally, smart grids deliver information from the house to the power provider and can monitor the electricity usage to lower the cost to the consumers and save energy by using them more efficiently (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 2. What management, organization, and technology issues should be considered when developing a smart grid? The management issues that need to be considered during the development of smart grid would be to convince the consumer to switch over to the smart grid system (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).The need for smart grid must be relayed to the consumer and shown how the utilization of the smart grid will benefit both the power provider and the consumer by being able to utilize power more efficiently (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Consumers will like to have their privacy protected, and the management of the power provider must assure their consumers not to feel i ntruded by the power company but focus on the benefits of the smart grid system such as lowering their electricity bills though the information feedback system that can relay how the energy s being used and the ability to analyze it (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The organizational issue that the smart grid system will have to overcome would be the high cost of the smart grid system to be put into place. The meter that needs to be installed in each household may range from $250 to $500 per unit (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Some consumers are not willing to initially spend the money to have the meter installed especially when they know that to save energy they need to turn off lights and other appliances or electronics when they are not being used (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Additionally, once the smart grid system has been successfully been set up, the power provider may risk losing revenue as more consumers are able to use their energy more efficiently (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The technology iss ue would be the fact that in the initial installation of the system, it will be time and money consuming on both the consumer and the power provider (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). A completely new system must be put into place and replace the old system. With the advancement of technology, this may become vulnerable to forms of cybercrimes as with any other advanced forms of technology may be attacked (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Also, the complicated technology may not be user friendly to everyone especially to the elders or someone who is not as technologically aware. 3. What challenge to the development of smart grids do you think is most likely to hamper their development? The challenges that smart grids face that may hinder their development would be the fact that first of all the startup of the system is very expensive and time consuming (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The complete infrastructure must be changed in order for smart grids to be fully replaced (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).It is also ex pensive for the home or business owners to install the meter necessary to monitor the electricity use and have to figure out who will pay for the initial installation of the meter, when the power provider will have to cover the cost of the system running which may be as high as $75billion (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). As mentioned in previous question, the consumers must also be assured that they do not have to worry about being a victim of a cybercrime and their privacy will be protected.Additionally with the advancement of technology, they must make sure it is user friendly to everyone as some consumers are already making claim that they had a hard time figuring out how to read and analyze the meters (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The hardest part of the power providers starting up with the grid system is to solve all of the issues mentioned above and convince the entire nation to switch over to the smart grid system. 4. What other areas of our infrastructure could benefit from â€Å"smartà ¢â‚¬  technologies?Smart technology can monitor, assess and analyze any form of data and optimize the consumption of resources to be able to utilize them effectively. Smart car can effectively monitor the consumption of gasoline and use it to minimize the consumption and extend it in order to get the maximum miles per gallon ratio to save money and gasoline (McGlaun, 2012). Some cars automatically shuts their engine off while the vehicle is not in motion and automatically turns itself back on when it needs to move (McGlaun, 2012). Hybrid vehicles use gasoline and combine it with electricity to further increase the miles to the gallon ratio.Other smart technologies that are used in cars would be the two way communication technology that will tell cars where other cars are at and what path they are taking. In that way the computers inside the cars can know exactly where each other are at and avoid collision (McGlaun, 2012). Smart technologies are being utilized in automobiles and oth er areas not only limited to houses but also electricity in order to maintain and preserve the nonrenewable resources (McGlaun, 2012). 5. Would you like your home and your community to be part of a smart grid?Why or why not? Explain. I personally would not like to be a part of the smart grid system. I think that the grid system is a great idea for someone who needs to be reminded and guided on how to effectively utilize electricity. In addition, I also believe that it is important for the environment to conserve power; however like many other consumers I know how to conserve electricity. For example, I turn off electronics and unnecessary appliances when they are not in use, I lower the air conditioner at night time and when I leave the house and make ure all the lights and TV are turned off when they are not being used to name a few. I feel that I am responsible and have the ability to regulate my electricity consumption. That being said, I do wish to pay up to $500 up front for so mething that I already know and can manage. That is why I do not wish my neighborhood to switch over to the smart grid system. Chapter 2: Collaboration and Innovation at Procter & Gamble 1. What is Procter & Gamble’s business strategy? What is the relationship of collaboration and innovation to that business strategy?The Procter & Gamble’s business strategy is to keep the consumers by maintaining the brand and popularity they have with existing consumers (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Procter & Gamble also focuses on improving their already existing line of products in order to keep the popularity that they already have (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Lastly, Procter & Gamble creates completely new products from start to the final product and sent out new items to the market to improve their sales (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Procter & Gamble innovates and adds to the market by dividing its focus to developing and creating new brands and items for the market. The company needs the colla boration between all of their stake holders being the researchers, marketers and the managers to all work together in order to improve work efficiency which has made them one of the top companies in the world (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 2. How is P&G using collaboration systems to execute its business model and business strategy?List and describe the collaboration systems and technologies it is using and the benefits of each. The collaboration of over 8,000 scientists and researchers that are employed by Procter & Gamble worldwide, marketers and managers working together increases innovation and as a result further their success in the industry (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). As large as the company is, they keep utilizing all of their employees to research, experiment, produce, market and organize their own brand and create new products (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).With a large amount of employees throughout the world, good communication was crucial to working as one and becoming successful. Proc tor and Gamble collaborated with Cisco Telepresence to improve their communication abilities and made certain that all employees have access to the system to bring the organization into one well-oiled machine (Cisco, 2008). While P&G were conducting business, they realized that one communication system was not sufficient enough to be able to satisfy their large demands and needs (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).They also incorporated Connectbeam, which is another communication system which allowed employees to share more effectively more information by the utilization of networks between one coworker to another in the form of tagging and bookmarks (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 3. Why were some collaborative technologies slow to catch on at P&G? Some collaborative technologies were slow to catch on at P&G because it took time for all employees to try out something new as many people are more comfortable with what they are used to and are not eager to make changes (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Employees may feel intimidated or does not want to change their normal routine even though they may be told that the new system such as the new communication systems are better and more efficient than the ones that already exist such as new email systems (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Another example would be a specific incident where researchers were using old outdated version of Microsoft software to print out the research and paste them onto notebook physically with paper and glue (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).To counter this effect, Microsoft overhauled the communication system and attempted to make it easier for the employees to utilize new technology and bring everything together (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 4. Compare P&G’s old and new processes for writing up and distributing the results of a research experiment. In the past, researchers wrote up experiments that were performed or to be performed using Microsoft Office (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The researchers then printed out what they have ty ped, and physically glued them onto a notebook one page at a time to place them into a book format (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).The old email system were too controlled by the employees in terms of the receivers of that specific email, being that if the employee who was sending the email did not send it to the appropriate receiver, then the email was ineffective as a means of communication (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). On the other hand, other forms of communications such as blogs reached out to too large of an audience that being anyone who were interested and cannot be relied on sending sensitive messages (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Microsoft products streamlined the communication problems and issues that P&G had to make communication more effective (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 5. Why is telepresence such a useful collaborative tool for a company like P&G? Telepresence is a useful collaborative tool for company such as P&G because in an organization as large as P&G, they need to be able to keep all of their employees which lives in 80 different countries connected through communication (Cisco, 2008).Not only does Telepresence allow international communications not only by the forms of telephone, email or the internet, Telepresence has the ability to supply P&G with 300 videoconferencing rooms where employees such as researchers can see each other during conference which may allow the researchers visual communication or actually show each other’s research and experiment over the video than just verbally explaining tedious and confusing procedures (Cisco, 2008). The videoconferencing room will also allow for a company meeting or private meetings between any employees of P&G without having to travel, which can save time and travel fees.Telepresence can help the P&G Company by effective communication methods (Cisco, 2008). 6. Can you think of other ways P&G could use collaboration to foster innovation? Procter and Gamble has more than 8,000 researchers with 1,000 or more o f them having Ph. D. experimenting, researching and innovating new products for the company in approximately 30 research facilities (Coleman & Hymowitz, 2012). Procter and Gamble is well known and respected company that is known to innovate new products and as a result they have a collaboration of many individuals and organization working for the company and assisting those (Coleman & Hymowitz, 2012).Procter and Gamble can reach out and incorporate more researchers from other parts of the world to collaborate and innovate new products using new ideas and point of view from different part of the world (Coleman & Hymowitz, 2012). Chapter 3: HOW MUCH DO CREDIT CARD COMPANIES KNOW ABOUT YOU? 1. What competitive strategy are the credit card companies pursuing? How do information systems support that strategy? The credit card companies may be following low-cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy at the same time (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).For instance, the credit compan ies can categorize the cardholders based on the regular charges the cardholder charges on the credit card (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). From the types of charges that are made on a regular bases. For example the credit card company may see someone charging many speeding ticket costs onto their credit card as being risky and impulsive just as much as someone who has a record of being behind on their bills (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Furthermore, someone that will pay off their credit card bills in a timely matter or someone that will go out of their way to put a high quality product on their credit card categorized as being responsible and a better customer and may have a higher maximum balance on their card (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). The information system gathered by the credit card company profiles cardholders and places them into categories which may be bias and profiling (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).Additionally using this data and reaching out to the customers and offering them advices may res ult in the customers wanting to pay off their debt to their credit card companies before they pay off other credit cards as an individual who was going through a divorce paid off their debt to one company who took time to offer the customers assistance while that customer was unable to pay off other credit cards (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 2. What are the business benefits of analyzing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral profiles?The benefits of analyzing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral profiles would be that the business can have an idea based on the data who will be more likely to pay back the debt in a timely matter and potentially avoid loss (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Customers with a history of not paying off their debt or customers who spend in an impulsive matter may have a hard time paying off the charges and have a hard time getting qualified for loans and higher limit. An example would be customers who lost their homes to foreclosures that put their mortgage on their credit card and abandoned paying their debt (Laudon & Laudon, 2012).On the other hand, customers who have a history of paying off their credit card debt in timely matter may be able to get a higher limit and may have a better reputation from their credit card company (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). There are benefits to the credit card company to analyze using the purchase data being that the credit card companies will be paid back the customers debt, however this does create a bias opinion of their customers as some may not be true and potentially good customers.Additionally, by using analysis from data, it may protect the cardholders as it may alert the credit card companies any charges that may be unusual and ultimately alert the cardholders and potentially avoid or protect the customers from fraudulent transactions (Dhanapal, 2012). Once the fraudulent transaction is identified, the cardholders can then request to start an investigation and shut down that accoun t (Dhanapal, 2012) (Mavri, Angelis, Ioannou, Gaki, & Koufodontis, 2008).Once the investigation has been initiated, it allows law enforcement to track down the date, time and the location of transactions and even request a video surveillance of the fraudulent transactions and create a starting point for investigators and law enforcement officer to conduct and identify the subjects (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). 3. Are these practices by credit card companies ethical? Are they an invasion of privacy? Why or why not? I believe that these practices by the credit card companies on analyzing their customers purchase data have both pros and cons.They are unethical in the terms that every situation is different in every case. If the customer is having a hard time in their life, such as being in between jobs, they may not have the financial means to pay off all of their debt on time, however it does not mean that the customer is intentionally not paying off their debt to steal from the credit card companies (Mavri, Angelis, Ioannou, Gaki, & Koufodontis, 2008). It may be that the individual may have a job lined up and they may pay off the credit card debt as soon as they get more financial stability (Mavri, Angelis, Ioannou, Gaki, & Koufodontis, 2008).As a customer, the idea of credit card would be that the customers can purchase what they need at the time even though they don’t have the liquid asset in that particular time and pay them off on a later date and time (Mavri, Angelis, Ioannou, Gaki, & Koufodontis, 2008). By being judged by the analysis based on data, customers may be being judged by unfair bias (Mavri, Angelis, Ioannou, Gaki, & Koufodontis, 2008). On the other hand credit card companies are business and need to be paid back the debt that people make by making a purchase on their credit cards.If the company does not get paid back the debt, then the credit card company will be losing revenue in a highly competitive industry. Chapter 4: The Perils of Texting 1. Which of the five moral dimensions of information systems identified in this text is involved in this case? Accountability and control is one of the moral dimension of information systems that is involved in this case because people that text while driving should be held accountable and liable if they put someone in danger, injure, or worse (Laudon & Laudon, 2010).Mobile phone subscriptions have increased considerably over the past decade and have been continuing to rise at a rapid rate. According to recent study, 5,870 more deaths and 515,000 more accidents were caused from prior years by texting while driving (The Perils of Texting, 2012). Based on this information, it is obvious that we should not wait until someone gets injured in order to hold people accountable for texting and driving; there needs to be accountability now.Quality of life is another moral dimension of information systems that is involved in this case because though we are living in an information-and-knowle dge based technological society, there are certain values and practices that should be preserved and supported (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Valuing human life is one of those practices that should be supported. Those who text while driving put so many people at risk. Society as a whole is aware of the dangers associated with texting while driving; therefore, those who do so, are not valuing human life. 2. What are the ethical, social, and political issues raised by this case?Several States, 31 to be exact, have already prohibited texting while driving, and there are likely more to come; President Obama has also prohibited texting while driving for Federal government workers (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). The ethical, social, and political issues raised by this case are very important as texting while driving has become one of the most prevalent and dangerous practices people all over are vulnerable to. The laws surrounding texting while driving vary among states, some severer than others. The point is that this is a major issue in anywhere throughout the world.It is ethically wrong to text while driving because people are putting others in dangerous way (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). There is, however, still some debate between the social and political aspects of this problem; some feel that we should be allowed to text while driving because we should be free to make our own decisions, while others argue it is not the state’s or federal responsibility to outlaw poor decision-making (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Despite the opposition, there is a need for legislatures to set harsher penalties for drivers who creates an unsafe road conditions when they text and drive (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). . Which of the ethical principles described in the text are useful for decision making about (Dhanapal, 2012)texting while driving? The ethical principles described in the text that are useful for decision making about texting while driving are: †¢The Golden Rule because people shoul d do unto others as people would like to have them do unto themselves (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Therefore, people should not put others in harm’s way by texting behind the wheel if they don’t want to be put themselves in harm’s way because others could potentially do the same thing. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative principle is applicable because it applies to everyone. It is not ok for me to text while driving and not others because my actions could endanger someone else. If everyone texted while driving the probability of that action endangering people increases enormously. †¢Descartes Rule of Change is useful for decision making about texting while driving because every time you text you are increasing the risk of injury to yourself or others.This rules states that if the action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take it at all. This also applies because if you text and drive once and get away with it, you may be inclined to keep doing. This is the slippery slope rule (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). †¢Risk Aversion principle is useful for decision making about texting while driving because it asks you to take a course of action that produces the least amount of harm (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). In this case, you should choose not to text while driving because it could potentially cause a great deal of harm.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Naturalized Epistemology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Naturalized Epistemology - Term Paper Example This implies that ‘x’ is in such context or state that the possibility of ‘x’ being known is increased. Finally, third, the question of certainty, which is highlighted by the question by the question ‘how do I know that I know x? In the face of such questions, can it be hold that certainty is something that eludes humanity since the basis for the certainty of what people may claim to know is not stable and solid. In fact, some modern philosophers have asserted the supposition that maybe there is an evil demon that is playing a trick on us making people believe that x can be known when in fact, it is not. Nonetheless, what is vital in this scenario is that epistemology has been considered as humanity’s response to uncertainty as presented by the malum genie. In this sense, epistemology has become field that sought to eliminate uncertainty by providing the solid ground wherein one may claim with certainty that one has a knowledge of X. Is this que st of epistemology significant? Coming from a common perspective, the certainty of what we may claim to know is vital in the relationship with our claims regarding the world and the ensuing empirical claims, in which, scientific knowledge is claimed to be anchored. Unfortunately, epistemology is still in the process of discourse how can people justify what they claim they know even if the ultimate goal of epistemology is to provide the certainty that what proceeds from our claims about the world are in fact rooted in that experienced of the world. In this condition, Quine argues for the futility of the epistemological quest for certainty and affords a re-framing of epistemology, belief, justification and knowledge. In this regard, this paper have the following structure. The first part of the paper will deal with the arguments raise by Quine against the epistemological goal of certainty and his proposal regarding what ought to be done to epistemology. Meanwhile, the second part deal s with the criticisms against Quine’s position. The third part will be the exposition of the researcher’s view regarding the debate. Finally, the last section is the conclusion. Hopefully, in the end a clearer understanding of both sides is attained. On Quine Quine’s counter-arguments regarding achieving certainty through epistemology is grounded on the position that Arithmetic itself, which has long been considered as certain because of its deductive method has been proven to be incomplete by Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem (71). Creating a parallel argument, Quine claims that since arithmetic itself which is considered as certain because of the rigors of deduction has been proven to be incapable of being grounded or fully justified, how much more is epistemology whose knowledge claims are built on induction. This is a very important criticism against the certainty of epistemology which is grounded on induction and the â€Å"Humean Predicament† is the counter –arguments against induction. This asserts that no theory can be derived from mere observation. Primarily because there is no way that the validity of the observation is transferred to the theory derived from it. In the same sense, Quine is raising the argument that if arithmetic itself is something that cannot be validly deduced from the theorems themselves, which is already a close system, how much more are the epistemological claims made about the world. In this regard, both conceptual reduction and doctrinal reduction are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Project Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Project Paper - Essay Example The next part will highlight the discussion that happened between Mary Wollstonecraft and Catherine the Great during the former’s visit to Russia. Through their dialogue, we intend to learn, firstly, about their individual profiles; secondly, their opinions on the role of women in their societies; and lastly, their insightful views on the ideal role of women in society. Catherine the Great: Good day! Have a seat. I have summoned you here to have an interesting talk about your recently released treatise entitled â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of the Woman†. But to formally introduce myself to you, I am Catherine the Great, Queen of Russia. Just like you, I consider myself to be ‘enlightened’ given my firm educational background which I was able to receive through hard work and strong determination (Smitha, 2000). I have been married to Emperor Peter III, who, sadly, has died in an accident. Recognizing the need of our people, I decided to ascend the throne and became their Queen. As their leader, my vision has always been to widen the influence of Orthodox Christianity all over Europe. This is why my kingdom invests heavily on strengthening our military. Aside from this, I also believe that societal order could only be attained through absolute monarchy. Thus, I intend to serve my people as long as I live. But enough about me. Please tell me more about you and your work. Mary Wollstonecraft: Firstly, Your Majesty, I would like to express my sincere thanks for requesting me to personally visit you here in Russia. But just to give you a short background about me, I consider myself to be a scholar. I could say that reading and writing have always fascinated me. For one, I enjoy reading the Bible and analyzing its primary teachings. Aside from this, I have also been a reader of the works of Shakespeare and Milton. Although it has been hard for me to obtain a formal educational training, I still

Saturday, July 27, 2019


CRITICALLY DISCUSS ANY THREE THEORIES OF INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE, AND WHAT ARE THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN THE LIFE OF CHRISTIANS - Essay Example The main reason as to why Christians value the Bible so much, to the extent that is the foundation of their faith is found in 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 verses 16-17. This verse of the Bible denotes that all scriptures are under the inspiration of God, for purposes of correcting, teaching, reproofing and training Christians to live in a righteous life (Hogue, 2010). This will help mankind to be equipped for performing every good work. There are five main theories of inspiration; The intuition theory denies the role of a super natural authority in the creation of the scriptures. According to this theory, the scriptures were written by religious men who had a unique spiritual insight. On this basis, there writings on spiritual and moral matters were far much ahead of their contemporaries. On this basis, they wrote the bible, in a similar manner in which other books are written. The religious ideas that these writers present are their own. This theory only lays emphasis on the role of human beings in the writing of scriptures. This view is wrong, and unacceptable amongst Christians. This is because most Christians believe in the human and the supernatural efforts in the writing of scriptures (Anderson, 2010, p. 44). This is because God used man to reveal His truths, and thoughts. The Bible is not just any book, but it is a Supreme book, that identifies the character of God, and his will. This can only be revealed through inspiration, and not religious insight, nor human genius. This view also directly contradicts the scriptures, found in 1st Thessalonians Chapter 2 verse 13. According to this scripture, the Bible is a word of God, and it is not brought forth according to the understanding of humans. The implication of this theory is that it advocates for the notion that God does not exist. This therefore helps to propagate the theories of evolution, which denotes that the world existed through the evolution process, and not through

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case Study to Promote Critical Reasoning Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

To Promote Critical Reasoning - Case Study Example The sources of conflict that are developing in this facility are (1) differences in goals (each group or person has a goal or purpose within which the donated funds are suggested to be earmarked); (2) resource interdependence (the units compete with each other for other own share of the resources, specifically, of the donated funds); (3) task ambiguity (there is a lack of clarity as to how the money or donated funds must be used according to a pre-defined guideline or policy); (4) differences in power and status; as well as backgrounds and traits (each group has different perceptions on the relative value of their contributions to the achievement of the hospice center’s goals) (Martires & Fule, 2004). 2. What kind of leadership actions are needed to prevent the escalation of this conflict? The use of authority or leadership through recognition of the highest authorized decision-maker within the hospice center is needed to impose a solution to resolve or suppress the conflict. The highest authority in the hospice center would depend on which role was designated at the organizational structure. For a non-profit hospice, the decision-makers are usually members of the Board of Directors where an executive committee would be headed by the President (AAHPM, n.d.). In this case, the highest authorities seem to be in the professional capacities of the Administrator and the Finance Officer – with no clear distinctions of who should be in charge to decide on matters of the funds (could be the Finance Officer, if explicitly identified within the hospice’s policies and procedures). As it is, I agree with the Finance Officer to initially put the money in the bank for future needed endeavors. Spending the funds must be subject to the plans of the hospice given their urgency and importance to the achievement of the hospice’s mission and vision. 5. Try role playing a negotiation among the administrator, the financial officer, the chaplin, a representative of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Argument shows islamic banking is not only targeting people from Essay

Argument shows islamic banking is not only targeting people from muslim backgrounds or in muslim countires - Essay Example As a result of the strict lending rules, Islamic Banking is gaining popularity among Muslims and non-Muslims globally at a high rate. Although referred to as Islamic Banking, non-Muslims have currently been included in the system. Some observers have defined it as a sophisticated banking and finance structure that takes into consideration moral and social values, highly compatible with the modern financial needs, which make the bank, receive overwhelming support from all people. The incorporation of strict sharia economics and the modern lending economics have been the major contributing factors for non-Muslims’ indulgence in the Islamic banking system (Syed, 2012). Previously, Islamic Banking was attractive only to a limited number of Muslims whose main purpose was to avoid interest charged by the conventional banking system. However, the increased support it has received from the rich Gulf Muslim investors has increased its popularity, luring more people into the system. The rising demand for ethical investing and the need for less risky alternatives of investing have pulled more numbers of non-Muslims into the Islamic Banking. Additionally, the Islamic finance sector is yet to develop into a fully-fledged financial sector. Therefore, more people are required to chip in their little share so as to expand the market share. Driven by the vision of offering an alternative banking system to the conventional banking, designers of the Islamic Banking allowed non-Muslims to take part in order to accelerate its growth (Abdullah, 2012). The high potential shown by Islamic Banking has seen the introduction of classes based on the ideals of Islamic Banking system (Khan, 2013). In fact some of these institutions have greatly advocated for Islamic Banking to the extent of recommending it among their students. Harvard for example has set up an Islamic Finance Project since 1994 that is based on

Reading Log 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Log 2 - Assignment Example Do the fast food industry companies truly care about the children and their amusement or are they simply using the innocence of the children to make themselves wealthier at the expense of the health of the children and the parents’ income? This question is challenging because it raises the pros and cons of these playgrounds and fast food advertisements and movie characters and the children. Children become happy as a result but what about their health for future and the increase in obesity in America due to the rise of these fast foods. Incorporating the sports personnel and Hollywood into the fast food industry increases more customers hence more profits. The idea of playground with supervision from adults even if they spend a lot of money is safe and more fun for the kids. Lastly is the idea of having children included in the formulation of new menus and characters as they get to feel part of the decision making and this boosts self-esteem and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance Essay

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance - Essay Example It is therefore, his contemporary intellectuals, inventors, and artists including Giotto di Bondone, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, and Galileo could come close to the wide range of fields that Leonardo asserted his genius upon. Born on 15th April 1452 in Vinci, the suburbs of the fabulous Italian city of Florence, as the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary ser Piero da Vinci and a local peasant woman Caterina, Leonardo received his early education and training in Florence under the supervision of his father. It is observed that he had developed great taste for paintings and drawing in his early childhood, and even his most initial sketches were extremely captivating, eye-catching and surprising ones, which immediately captured the attention of the viewers. Hence, no one could refrain himself from admiring the gifted talent of the dexterity and command of the little painter over fine arts. Consequently, his father, Ser Piero, sought the services of the renowned contemporary Florentine painter Andrea del Verrocchio to coach his son in order to polish his talent in this field. Leonardo worked very hard while learning from his teacher and applied his splendid intellect in the creative activities, which earn ed unabated fame and respect for the young artist. The history reveals that he had developed his personal art gallery at the age of twenty-four years only, where he got orders for the preparation of portraits and paintings independently from the local community. Somehow, Leonardo’s interests were so broad, and he was so often compelled by new subjects, that he usually failed to finish what he started. This lack of â€Å"stick-to-it-ness† resulted in his completing only about six works in these 17 years, including â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"The Virgin on the Rocks,† and he left dozens of paintings and projects unfinished or unrealized. Being the true follower of the prevailing Christian mythology, Leonardo selected Biblical stories as the topic of his paintings and drawing. He drew the sketches including the adoration of Magi at the eve of the Christ’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pscychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pscychology - Essay Example To become an effective student we need to use good memory skills like "making an effort to remember the things learnt, controlling the form and subject matter, strengthening neural connection" and "allowing time to solidify pathways" We must firstly be interested in what we are learning. A student should select important topics and categorize them into groups. It is an effective tool for one to read aloud while learning and simultaneously visualize and associate ones thoughts and ideas with the subject matter. Finally consolidate the work by reviewing the matter that that has been already learned. The key components of the training program for improving work group communications would be basically education, based on motivation of the participants. It would include workshops to build participant’s knowledge, kindle their curiosity and bring out their ideas and feelings into the open. It would also include role plays with a lot of fun and discussions that follow a positive attitude. â€Å"Classical conditioning† is a technique used in behavioral training where a natural occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Cognitive social learning is when a response is first established and then gradually strengthened. Operant conditioning builds an association between behavior and the consequence. Therefore man cannot work or do anything by himself without having either a motivation or a consequence that he works towards using either prejudice or discriminative behavior.   Intelligence is a "very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience". A number of theories have come forward in the twentieth century regarding intelligence, Howard Gardners Theory Of Multiple Intelligence has eight different components to measure

Monday, July 22, 2019

Verbal Communication Essay Example for Free

Verbal Communication Essay One may assume that the roles of officers are just to catch us when we’re speeding, write a ticket and move on to the next person breaking the law. It would appear that way too many of us, but there is more depth, in the way an officer presents himself. While we find it insulting for an officer to say â€Å"How you doing mam’† after catching us going 40 in a 20 school zone, we must think of how much more aggravated we’d be in this situation had the officer used sarcasm, or had a cruel tone. Good Morning, Mam’† seems more respectable and when you begin to explore the pressure on an officer you begin to see why many of them try to stay positive and communicate effectively. Verbal and nonverbal communication is reoccurring and a large part of the day in the life of a Law Enforcement Agent. On every single work day there is numerous face-to-face interactions between an officer and citizen, or a small group. These interactions may occur in traffic encounters, interviews, media briefings, or conversations formal and informal. For this very reason verbal and nonverbal communication must evolve into a mastered skill; as it’s important for each officer to represent himself in a respectable manner whether it is in in public, in the court room, with peers, employees, inmates and more importantly citizens of the community. When it comes to training with an officer it is more than just the physical training, but also the mental training, one must do to be successful. A good law enforcement officer must be able to properly speak to the public, testify with confidence, and write a grammar free report. A respectable image will make for a better public view of the officer, their departments and general attitude to law enforcement all together. (Pritchett, 1993) Police Situations Most police are not given adequate training in communication skills. Many understand to be kind, polite, firm when need be, how to recite Miranda rights and interrogate but also many fail to recognize how verbal and nonverbal communication works. Verbal communication involves a sender and a receiver conveying a message. These messages can be spoken words but can also be body language that is representing a statement. In police situations this is can be a chore when it comes to interrogation ; a police officer must obtain important material such as who, what, where, how and why, which often times, the answers to these questions, can vary when dealing with two different parties on the same situation. It’s important that the officer can take proper notations so later he can write in his report recapping both versions of the incident, and get a better idea of what was going on. It’s important that officers understand the situation and how it was told to them and how to retell this situation from the report in a court room setting. A police report is usually a beginning point of the court room scene and can determine the faith of an accused; it’s important the officer writes detailed notes so he can relate back to the event as well as provide accuracy. He must know the written work and have confidence as he verbally retells these events. An officer that comes off as insecure or insure of a situation may hinder a jury from a factual belief. Likewise- many police must deal with important matters in front of the media on various occasions either through news reports, public speeches, or when running for a higher officer position; these situations as well require a sense of confidence from an officer. As stated, many officers must discuss important matters in the face of the public in attempts to calm a tense situation, or to be there to reassure and provide confidante within the community after a tragedy. When we think back of tragic events such as The Columbine Killing, 9/11, or the Virginia Tech shooting, we are guaranteed that at one point, a police officer reached out to the public to reassure safety. When making a public speech an officer much consider how verbal and non-verbal communication will affect an audience. There are many elements to consider when making a public speech starting with nonverbal communication that generally speaks louder than that of verbal communication. For example appearance, posture and the deliverance of a speech all help to convey the original message. A neat and professional appearance is usually mandatory being that it will make the first judgment of an audience. (Wallace, 2009) If an officer takes pride in his appearance than it can be assumed by the receiver that he takes pride in what he is saying. When giving a speech an officer must learn to make eye contact, use proper voice infliction and proper vocabulary when delivering a speech. Correct word choices can impact an audience either negatively or positively so it’s important officers draft and practice speeches so that the presentation is close to perfect. Testifying Many police are required to testify in court and there impressions can literally be life altering. When jurors are questioned on why they may have chosen one verdict over another many relate back to the testimony of eye witnesses. Witnesses that don’t seem confident in their answers or even arrogant may make their responses non-believable to a jury. One columnist J.  Navarro states â€Å"How people testify and how others perceive them are as important as their testimony. † (Navarro, 2004) To avoid making a jury skeptical of what is being said and make a reliable testimony, an officer must reevaluate how they communicate both verbally and nonverbally. According to an article in FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, â€Å"Jury surveys and research in communication provide guidance to law enforcement officers on how to be more effective in court, whether sitting at the prosecutors side as the lead investigator or testifying as a witness. (Navarro, 2004) In these surveys various jurors analyze the appearance, communication skills, behavior and the ability to communicate both verbally and non-verbally to effectively persuade jurors. Jurors are searching for the truth so if an officer cannot make eye contact, stutters or appears unconfident in his own words by a simple gesture of the eyebrows showing confusion, a juror will perceive this as dishonesty. While confidence will win the audience it must not go to the extreme of arrogance, this as well can put off a negative vibe. As the article states displaying openness alone can help a jury to really believe what the officer is stating. Free flow communication and confidence help show honesty while tenseness has the opposite effect. Simple things like gestures should be kept minimum and more emphasis on tone should be used versus defensiveness or the raising of the voice. (Navarro, 2004) A simple tone infliction helps to catch the juror’s attention and explain where the importance is in the conveyed message. The best way officers can improve these skills is by watching a more skilled professional testify as they observe in the audience. Also practicing infront of a mirror or another officer can help make their testimony a more confident and stress free one. Corrections/ Juvenile Facilities It can be a prison environment or even a juvenile facility, either, or, an officer must be prepared to go a bit further with effective oral and written communication. The way the justice system works an officer is constantly being monitored on the things he says and the way he portrays them. In these environments, they are communicating with inmates, co-workers and other employees. With co-workers and other employees within a facility an officer must portray courtesy but must also remember the rising accusations of sexual harassment. In many work places it has become a motto to keep the talk of sex, religion, and politics out of the work place. Over the years the number of sexual harassment cases in work places has shot up even within law enforcement. In a police department outside of Los Angeles this past October there are multiple encounters of harassment and the consequences of possible job loss within that department due to this type of behavior. Most harassment cases are due to racial jokes or sexual orientation which again should be something left outside of the work environment to avoid making any employee or fellow officer feel uncomfortable in the work atmosphere. In this one particular case the allegations varied from: â€Å"A sergeant presenting a black officer with a cake topped with a slice of watermelon and a piece of fried chicken, The same sergeant sending racially sensitive text messages about an officer who is of Mexican descent and The sergeant removing one officer from an overtime detail and putting his wife, another officer, in that spot. (Okarocha, 2001) Officers can avoid this by keeping those personal conversations or even opinions outside to the workplace as well as respecting fellow co-worker’s personal boundaries not making gestures or mimicking one another. Also peer activities tend to keep the bond between officers and staff and make for a healthier work atmosphere as everyone tries to achieve the same goal of diminishing crime. While working with inmates these same rules of harassment applies; there is also an ongoing struggle and broken relationship that makes any type of communication difficult between police and inmates. As far as it can date back children have played cops and robbers and it’s a wide speculation that cops are good guys and inmates (both adults and juveniles) are bad guys. This type of assumed relationship can make the environment a tense one for both parties and should be addressed to learn how to better communicate. Many inmates feel hatred toward cops and may say rude things to a police officer or guard in attempts to intimidate the guard. A guard or officer in a prison type setting must learn to not show that this bothers them and they must learn how to acquire respect amongst prison walls while still keeping professionalism. A police officer cannot let emotional barriers get in the way of their job to treat inmates as citizens of the community to help them. Summary As you can see an officer’s job and role in the community requires various times where nonverbal and verbal communication are required; An officer may spend little time or a full day in one of the discussed settings such as a police situation, maybe a traffic stop, in the courtroom testifying, or in a correctional facility. To communicate effectively police officer must evaluate the different scenarios he is faced with and how to properly convey a message within in those situations. By learning appropriate and professional communication techniques officers will be more favored within his department and community. This favoritism can lead to advancement in the department, and one day play a role in the larger picture of decreasing crime. Poor communication can be avoided and is encouraged. Many officers must understand their poor attitude and poor communication skills can not only affect them as an officer but the department as a whole. By forcing training departments to include studies on effective communication, Law Enforcement can train better police officers who will succeed and better the criminal justice system.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Web Databases Information Technology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Web Databases Information Technology Essay In this chapter, the results of initial investigations and analysis carried out in order to determine the requirements that which is needed of the system by its future users, is outlined. Firstly, we take a look at the initial background research and its findings in relation to the topic. Secondly, this chapter then goes on to discuss the methodology and development tools chosen to develop the application. Finally, the requirements specification of the system is outlined including the users requirements both functional and non-functional that have been the guide in the development of the system. 2.1 Background Research and Analysis As part of the initial stages of the project, investigations were carried out into the background of the topic area of web based applications since the application that has been developed is in itself a web-based database application as well as into the possible expectations and needs that users would require of such a system. Besides research in various pieces of literature and the internet, informal interviews were also carried out with users of similar known system, in order to get a better understanding of what users of such a system would come to expect as part of developing a requirements specification. 2.1.1 Background Research Findings Within the last decade, the rapid evolution of the internet has opened the door for organisations to take advantage of its benefits as a means to improve their operating efficiency, lower cost and ultimately give themselves a competitive advantage over their competitors. Web based applications are increasingly being used to handle tasks done by traditional applications such as data storage and transaction applications. With regard to data storage, ****} Being web-based, web applications have significant benefits over their traditional counterparts but with being web based also come many challenges for developers due mainly to their dynamic nature. This is due to rapidly changing technologies, frequent changes of user requirements, and dynamic aspects of the software technologies (Wu Offutt). In development of these applications, developers must ensure that they are very reliable, exhibit very high usability as well as security (Wu Offutt). In comparison to their traditional software counterparts, web applications must be developed to be available at all times; they must be maintainable given the rapid evolution of technology and most importantly, as they are based on the internet, they must be highly scalable to facilitate a global market and ready to grow in terms of servers, services, and customers very quickly. (Wu Offutt) Web-based database applications, being web apps themselves, are no exception. The web as a platform for database systems according to Connelly Begg (2005) can deliver innovative solutions for both inter- and intra- company business operations but also has its disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages of Web Databases according to Connelly Begg(2005) Advantages Disadvantages Simplicity: They are easy to develop, as HTML upon which they are based is easy to learn and use. Cross Platform support: Being web-based, they are not confined to any particular OS platform as they are accessible via web browsers. Standardization: With HTML being a standard on all browsers, HTML documents can be read from any machine in the world. Scalable Deployment Reliability: The internet is currently an unreliable and slow communication medium. At times servers can be down and a message may be delayed to be sent. Also at peak time when its is significantly slow. Security: Security is of great concern especially when the organisation makes its databases accessible on the web. Cost Limited Functionality of HTML: Some highly interactive database applications may not be converted easily to web based applications, while still providing the same user friendliness. 2.1.2. Problem Analysis Based on observations from the daily operations of the MIS department with regard to problem tracking, the basic operations can be summarized as shown in the rich picture below*******} 2.1.3. Interview Analysis During the investigation carried out, informal interviews were carried out with individuals who interact with similar systems to the one proposed. The questions used in these interviews can be found in Appendix A. Both individuals who were interviewed use web-based help desk applications that are installed on their respective companys network as an application accessible via web browsers. See figure 1 below for a screenshot of one these applications. FIGURE 1 Unicenter ServicePlus A web based help desk application used by one of the technicians interviewed. While these users describes these ********************} 2.2 Development Methodology Selection of the most appropriate methodology for development is important for the success of the project. This is due to the fact that using an inappropriate methodology can lead to issues such as cost overruns as a result of poor project management, project incompletion or the development of the wrong functionality to incorrect specifications. The methodology selected for the development of the system would be the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This methodology was selected because it is one of the most stable methodologies with minimum risk. Also, the development approach to be used would be that of the Waterfall Life Cycle model which is ideal for inexperienced developers. (Weaver 2004) It was also selected due to its simplicity. The system was modelled with the use of ER Diagrams as well as Use Case diagrams. Use case diagrams were used as they are one of the best modelling tools that give an idea on how the system will operate in relation to how the users would interact with it. It also gives a clear idea of who the users of the system would be and the various views. 2.3 Development Tools Crucial to the development of the application, is the selection of the right programming tools. As such, since the application is a web-based database solution, it was necessary to select the software tool that could be best used as the foundation for the web-based database. The database tools considered were MySQL, MS Access and Oracle Database 10g Express. The table below shows a comparison between these three:- In the end, the database tool selected was Oracle Database 10g Express Edition which was chosen because of its ease to use and learn. Another plus to this application is its web readiness which makes it easy to host online, a crucial requirement for the application once completed. The downside******} 2.4 Requirement Specification The system was developed to support 3 levels of users, namely: Managers General Users Technicians Each Functional Requirements According to Weaver(2004), Functional requirements are those that define in some detail what the system needs to do. The functional requirements from the users point of view are as follows: The General user or Employee should be able to:- Register and Login using Username and Password Authentication Add a problem View Solved Problems Change and Update personal information The Technical Support Manager should be able to:- Login using Username and Password Authentication View and reply to Problems Assign Problems to Technicians Add, Update or Delete System Users View solve problems and add remarks Add or Update Supplier information View Technician details Review Resource History Reset User Passwords View jobs Done The Technician should be able to:- Register and Login using Username and Password Authentication Search and View Problems Assigned View Jobs done View Work Queue Add, Append, Delete Job History Record Work done Update personal information Change password Other Functional Requirements include:- Data This is the lifeline of the system and is therefore one of the most important aspects of the system. The data that the system would use are:- Resources (allocated Hardware and Software) and their unique information such as its serial number, date of purchase, supplier, license details (for software resources), current location (a room number) and the resource type (e.g. Hewlett Packard T540 Imaging Package, or Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1). Problems reported by Employees Information recorded once a job is complete by a technician. Processing This includes the processing of problems reported by Employees, and the allocation of jobs to Technicians based on the problems by the Technical Support Manager. User Interface According to Weaver (2004), the user interface of a system should be: Simple Made for the User Consistent Non-Functional Requirements According to Weaver(2004), non-functional requirements describe the performance and constraints that the system should meet. The non-functional requirements are: Usability: The user interface must be consistent and user friendly while ensuring maximum efficiency while users navigate through the application. Availability: the system must be available at all times during working hours. Access: Users would be restricted according to their user type or level. Users will require a Username and Password to access the system. Capacity: the system must be capable of holding large volumes of data, specifically complaints as well as solutions.

Analysis Of The Teenage Magazine Market Sector

Analysis Of The Teenage Magazine Market Sector The following section of the plan provides a brief analysis of the teenage magazine market sector. In particular, total volume and value of sales is investigated and critically discussed. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide an assessment and analysis of the key competitors in the market sector and the target group of consumers. Advertising expenditures are also explored in this section. In addition, it will be relevant to scan the external environment of the industry which includes political, economic, social and technological factors unified under PEST framework. Thus, this section will attempt to make a contribution to the identification of the potential opportunities, which may be used for a new brand. The following graph illustrates the total yearly subscriptions for the UK magazines by sector. As it may be seen from the histogram, children and teenage magazines constitute the most numerous and dominant sector. They account for as much as 32.7% of the whole magazine market. The second largest sector is womens traditional magazines. Its market share is equal to 12.9%. Other sectors with the market shares ranging from 10% to 11% are TV listings, mens monthlies, sports and music and the remaining sectors. The least popular type of magazines is home interest as they were found to account for only 4.2% of the market. These findings reveal that children and teenage magazines are most popular among the UK readers. The next graph reveals that the total volume of sales of teenage magazines in the UK has fallen in the recent past. It may be observed that in 2008, as many as 47,535,000 units of magazines were sold. The indicator decreased to the level of 41,794,000 units in 2009. Moreover, in 2010, the total volume of sales constituted only 38,040,000. Hence, the market for teenage magazines in the UK has been going down. This reduction of sales may be explained by the growing popularity of on-line media and portals for teenagers. Printed magazines are often substituted by social networking and entertaining web applications. This tendency may be discussed in the light of the standard product life cycle (PLC) curve. As presented by the following graph, the PLC curve consists of the four main stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. These stages imply different changes in the volume of sales. The recent fall of the volume of sales of the UK teenage magazines indicates that the product passes through the decline stage. It means that the producers of the UK teenage magazines will not achieve the maximum volume of sales unless the product is improved or changed. Correspondingly, the total value of sales of teenage magazines has reduced recently. In 2008, the value of sales constituted  £99,039,000. The indicator decreased to the level of  £88,245,000 in 2009. In 2010, the reduction of sales value continued and the indicator reached  £86,138,000. The fall of volume and value occurred during the period 2008-2010. Hence, it may be concluded that the UK market for teenage magazines has been shrinking and narrowing. Among the major competitors in the UK market for teenage magazines it is valid to mention Elle Girl, Glamour, GQ, Grazia Magazine, Heat, New!, OK! and Yours. Their relative market shares are reported in the following figure. As it may be seen from the histogram, New!, Ok! and Glamour are the most popular teenage magazine brands in the UK. Their market shares are equal to 15.7%, 15.4% and 13.5% respectively. The market share of Heat constitutes as much as 12.4%. Such brands as Grazia, Yours, Elle Girl and GQ occupy 6.7%, 6.5%, 5.1% and 3.1% of the market. Other brands, which are less popular, account for 21.6% of the market. Critical analysis of these brands may reveal that GQ is the worst performing magazine. Its market share is the smallest among major magazines. This may be explained by the narrow specialisation of the magazine. The target audience of the magazine are males from 16 to 24 years old. Teen girls are more inclined to reading magazines than teen boys. The researchers reported that girls read more screen and confession magazines . On the contrary, the most successful teenage magazine brands are New! and Ok! (these magazines have the largest market share in the UK market). This success can be explained by the proper and suitable content. The teenage magazines include celebrity interviews, dating tips, fashion tips and descriptions and samples of the popular cosmetic products. Such content is highly appreciated by the target audience. Another advantage over the rivals in the market segment is availability of the magazines. Teenage magazines have relatively low prices in comparison with other glossies. Furthermore, these magazines are universal. They are read by teenage girls as well as medium-aged women. Brand positioning of the major teenage magazines in the UK can be presented as follows. Kumar developed a special framework, which differentiates between economy brands, bargain brands, cowboy brands and premium brands. The differentiation is based on the two dimensions: quality and price of the production. The brand positioning framework can be graphically presented as shown below. None of the mentioned magazines refers to the category of economy brands. The major teenage magazines do not combine the two qualities, i.e. low quality and low price, at once. However, New! and Ok! can be classified as bargain brands. They belong to the moderate price category, but have very rich and diversified contents. Grazia Magazine, Yours and Heat are of lower quality, but more expensive. Hence, it allows for classifying them as cowboy brands. Finally, Elle Girl, Glamour and GQ are positioned as premium brands. It has already been mentioned that girls read teenage magazines more often than boys. Hence, the major target audience are teenage girls. The following graph provides a comparison of the percentage of teenage girls and teenage boys reading magazines. It may be observed that 55% of male teenagers are found to enjoy reading magazines. However, the female readers of teenage magazines are even more numerous and constitute 63% of all female teenagers. These findings reveal that the target group for the majority of the magazine producers are female teenagers. Another fact, which proves these findings, is that male teenagers are also inclined to reading other specialised magazines besides teenage publications. The alternatives include sports magazines, technical magazines, PC and IT magazines and others. In accordance with Kaiser Family Foundation all magazines discussed above are targeted at clearly specified groups of consumers. For instance, Elle Girl is targeted at younger sisters of the readers of Elle. Furthermore, it has been revealed that girls from 12 to 17 years old comprise up to 26% of the total number of females reading different magazines. Nevertheless, these magazines can hardly be segmented by their contents. The point is that all of them contain articles about celebrities, fashion, relationships, etc. In addition, it can be stated that the market could not be segmented according to the social classes of the teenage reader. It may be explained by the fact that teenage readers have mostly the same interests at this age regardless of the social background of their family. It is argued by Form (1995) that segmentation theory deals with the problems of coordinating huge entities like institutions, sectors, strata, or society; it holds that individual groups generally place their inter ests above those of the groups with which they interact, creating problems of intergroup coordination (Form, 1995). Relying on this statement, it may be argued that there are no many conflicts between the segments of the teenage magazine market in the UK. The point is that the difference between the demands and interests of teenage girls is not very large. It has been mentioned that they have similar interests. Hence, the majority of magazines can be easily substituted with other types. As it may be seen from the following graph, the publishers of teenage magazines use different media for advertising their production. Newspaper advertisement comprises as much as 29%. It may be stated that such a considerable percentage of newspaper ads cannot be justified since teenagers are expected to spend more time in the Internet than reading newspapers. However, if their parents subscribe to newspapers, teenagers can see the advertisement in the papers. Radio ads, TV ads and internet ads comprise 22%, 22% and 18% respectively. Outdoor advertisement constitutes only 9% of all advertising. The costs of advertising are summarised in the graph below. The figure has reported that the total teenage magazine advertising expenditure has been reduced recently. In 2008, the UK publishers of the teenage magazines spent about  £14,593,000 on advertising of their production. In 2009, the indicator decreased to the level of  £12,043,000. However, the advertising expenditure was equal to  £11,452,000 in 2010. The reduction of the total advertising expenditure may be explained by the overall decline in the market. It has already been stated that the total number of units of magazines produced yearly decreased too. Furthermore, the influence of the global financial crisis could have additional pressure on companies and make them reduce advertising costs. The advertising to sales ratio constituted 0.28 in 2005. In other words, the UK magazine publishers spent on average  £0.28 on advertising a  £1 worth magazine. It is understandable that premium brands and cowboy brands had different advertising budgets. Nevertheless, the indicator illustrates the average ratio. As it may be seen from the graph, the main types of retail outlets where teenage magazines are sold are supermarkets, other multiples and independents. Another important thing, which should be grasped from the histogram, is that the percentage of sales in each type of outlets has changed recently. In 1997, supermarkets were the least popular outlet for selling teenage magazines. Only 19% of all teenage magazines were sold there. Nevertheless, in 2007, supermarkets contributed to the sales of up to 32% of all teenage magazines. The percentage of teenage magazines sold in other multiples in 1997 and 2007 changed insignificantly. The indicator had fallen from 34% to 33% by 2007. However, the sales by independents had reduced from 42% to 37% by 2007. Delivery to retail outlets is the final stage of the teenage magazine supply chain. Today, supermarkets are becoming more and more popular as teenage magazine retailers as the graph above has revealed. However, supply chain of teenage magazines is much more complex than it may seem from the first sight. The timing of the average teenage magazine supply chain is presented in Appendix.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

According to sufferer, Stephanie, â€Å"If I got to number 17 on the math test, I would have to tap my pencil 17 times† (Weiskopf 19). Stephanie exhibits signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder in which the individual becomes obsessed or compulsive about something. Because of their extreme focus events and tasks, OCD will affect how children and teenagers perform in school. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can also cause various problems in their daily lives. Due to severe obsessions and compulsions, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a serious, yet unexamined, threat to teenagers at school and home, which can lead to further complications, but it can be treated. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is provoked not only by environmental factors, but also by genetic components. OCD can be traced through family history, but there is not a direct factor that is shown to be passed on. If a family member is diagnosed with OCD, there becomes an increased risk for other immediate relatives of inheriting the condition. According to OCD Education Station, â€Å"genetics contributes approximately 45-65% of risk for developing the disorder,† but â€Å"other factors such as the environment also play a vital role† (â€Å"Facts†). Sometimes there can be a sudden outbreak of the disorder rather than a genetic component. When there is a sudden occurrence of OCD, the provocation of the disorder can be linked to strep throat or a mental, physical, or behavioral change of the individual. Not only can OCD be linked to genetic components or a sudden onset, but Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can also be produced by environmental factors. Behavioral, mental, and environmental factors such as stress, a death of someone close, or the fe... ...ssive-Compulsive Disorder is a treatable, but severe, danger to teenagers because of the extreme compulsions and obsessions. This disorder is provoked by multiple factors related to both the environment and genetics. OCD consists of common signs and symptoms present in sufferers with extreme recurring obsessions and compulsions. There are four different types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder including checking, contamination, hoarding, and ruminations. OCD is a disorder with symptoms that can be lessened by therapy, interventions, and medications. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is treatable, but other disorders can also occur and exist because of the presence of OCD. Although the symptoms and presence of OCD can be reduced, the anxiety and emotions that are related to OCD will stay will the sufferer for their life through other disorders or regular, everyday events.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Anselm Kiefer :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Anselm Kiefer was born in Donaueschingen, Germany on March 8, 1945. In later years he became one of the most prominent figures in the Neo-Expressionist art movement. He studied law at the University of Freiburg until 1966. In 1966 he became an artist and was a student of Joseph Beuys who is another German artist (Safra pg.139).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the painting March Heath Kiefer uses a variety of color. However the color’s that are used are dark colors and earth tone color. The center of this painting is the road that vanishes into the background. It is obvious that Kiefer wanted this to be the main object of the painting. Where the road vanishes is in the center also. However Kiefer does not tell us where the road leads. At the bottom of the painting the German words â€Å"Markische Heid† are painted with black ink. The black ink causes the phrase to get the viewers attention. After reading Anselm Kiefer by Mark Rosenthal I learned that March Heath belongs to the Brandenburg region, located in East Germany (Rosenthal pg.35). The Brandenburg region played a very important role to the Persian Empire during the seventeenth century. With this region being so important it was frequently fought over (Rosenthal pg.35). The road looks heavily traveled because of the ruts where the grass is dead an d has turned into a dirt path. Each side of the path is painted with very little detail. Yes you can tell that it is a field and you can see some plants but it is not as easily noticed as the path. On the right side of the path there is a group of trees, but three are only seen. Rosenthal says â€Å"that the trees are birch trees, and they establish a Fontane-like context of nature resplendent, waiting to be enjoyed in peaceful contemplation (Rosenthal pg 35).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another painting by Kiefer is Deutschlands Geistesbelden or in English Germany’s Spiritual Heroes. He uses bi-lateral symmetry. Each side of the hallway has the same amount of support beams and a large dish filled with some type of kerosene or oil that is burning on each beam. Under each candle there is a name written in black paint, and maybe these are the German Spiritual Heroes. The flaming dishes run all the way down the hallway and it leads to a door. The door that the hallway leads to is the center of the painting.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Developing Leaders Essay -- Business Management

Peter F. Drucker once said, â€Å"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things† (, n. d.). Leading is a key function of management. Without leadership, valuable time spent on planning, organizing, and controlling can be lost with no productive end result. Because leadership is the core of management, a great deal of focus must be placed on its key components. â€Å"Leading means influencing other people to get the job done, maintaining morale, molding company structure and managing conflicts and communication† (Dessler, 2004, p. 3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Effective leadership is the foundation for any business. Developing leaders, leading strategic planning, overcoming obstacles, and motivating and inspiring employees are major components of leadership. Many articles and publications have been devoted to these four components. In selecting the articles to be summarized, emphasis was placed on articles that discussed universal methods utilized by businesses, along with recommendations for promoting successful leadership. Developing Leaders From front-line employees to mid-level managers, expectations of employees in today’s organizations have become more demanding. â€Å"Today, employees are given leadership titles and expected to figure out how to handle their new roles, but aren’t effectively trained† (Gale, 2002, p.1). Companies benefit when they have leaders positioned throughout the organization. This positioning distributes knowledgeable and skilled employees to benefit all aspects of the organization. In the past, leadership development was limited to executive employees. This training process must change as companies strive to become more adaptive to the competitive world. With the downsizing of staff, additional work responsibility with less guidance is becoming the norm. The need for leadership must evolve as the organization grows. A great manager may not be a great leader. Great leaders must be able to communicate as well as motivate employees. â€Å"The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager imitates; the leader initiates† (Bennis, 1994). Jon Katzenbach best described leadership â€Å"as a mind set of adaptive responsiveness† (Gale, 2002, p.2). Some will argue that leaders are born, while others will say leaders are trained. In either case, a qualified well-rounded leader must be found. Sourcing and rec... ...d tend to lead in smaller, more informal ways throughout the company. This natural progression allows them to gain the experience they need to become future leaders (Kotter, 1990). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a myriad of publications available to assist with leadership issues. Most consistently refer to the specialized skills and traits needed to be an effective leader. Choosing a leader with these specialized skills is only part of the challenge facing organizations today. Providing effective training for new and existing leaders is becoming increasingly important. Such training should include recommendations on how to plan for and address real-world scenarios as well as examples of situations that may occur in order to strengthen comprehension. Leadership training should be viewed as a process, not a one-time event. Training leaders on how to plan and deal with obstacles, as well as how to motivate and inspire employees is critical to organizational success. Leadership should be a focus at all levels of the company whether it would be individual, departmental, or organizational. The key to successful leadership is to create a sense of belonging by getting a ll parties involved. Developing Leaders Essay -- Business Management Peter F. Drucker once said, â€Å"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things† (, n. d.). Leading is a key function of management. Without leadership, valuable time spent on planning, organizing, and controlling can be lost with no productive end result. Because leadership is the core of management, a great deal of focus must be placed on its key components. â€Å"Leading means influencing other people to get the job done, maintaining morale, molding company structure and managing conflicts and communication† (Dessler, 2004, p. 3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Effective leadership is the foundation for any business. Developing leaders, leading strategic planning, overcoming obstacles, and motivating and inspiring employees are major components of leadership. Many articles and publications have been devoted to these four components. In selecting the articles to be summarized, emphasis was placed on articles that discussed universal methods utilized by businesses, along with recommendations for promoting successful leadership. Developing Leaders From front-line employees to mid-level managers, expectations of employees in today’s organizations have become more demanding. â€Å"Today, employees are given leadership titles and expected to figure out how to handle their new roles, but aren’t effectively trained† (Gale, 2002, p.1). Companies benefit when they have leaders positioned throughout the organization. This positioning distributes knowledgeable and skilled employees to benefit all aspects of the organization. In the past, leadership development was limited to executive employees. This training process must change as companies strive to become more adaptive to the competitive world. With the downsizing of staff, additional work responsibility with less guidance is becoming the norm. The need for leadership must evolve as the organization grows. A great manager may not be a great leader. Great leaders must be able to communicate as well as motivate employees. â€Å"The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager imitates; the leader initiates† (Bennis, 1994). Jon Katzenbach best described leadership â€Å"as a mind set of adaptive responsiveness† (Gale, 2002, p.2). Some will argue that leaders are born, while others will say leaders are trained. In either case, a qualified well-rounded leader must be found. Sourcing and rec... ...d tend to lead in smaller, more informal ways throughout the company. This natural progression allows them to gain the experience they need to become future leaders (Kotter, 1990). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a myriad of publications available to assist with leadership issues. Most consistently refer to the specialized skills and traits needed to be an effective leader. Choosing a leader with these specialized skills is only part of the challenge facing organizations today. Providing effective training for new and existing leaders is becoming increasingly important. Such training should include recommendations on how to plan for and address real-world scenarios as well as examples of situations that may occur in order to strengthen comprehension. Leadership training should be viewed as a process, not a one-time event. Training leaders on how to plan and deal with obstacles, as well as how to motivate and inspire employees is critical to organizational success. Leadership should be a focus at all levels of the company whether it would be individual, departmental, or organizational. The key to successful leadership is to create a sense of belonging by getting a ll parties involved.

Proposal for Fashion Industry Essay

Age: The consumer club of Espire company would like to know how customer spend their money every day. Many customers complain that they do not have enough money at the end of the month. The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the inequity of our customer. It will determine where they go to shopping, How much they spend on items they buy, is the product is affordable and etc. The data will be kept confidential. Please return completed questionnaire to your introduce or put it in the envelope in front of room g15. Indicate your feeling about the following items by ticking ( / ) on the appropriate line. 1. What is your work status? Student Working Self-employed 0thers, please specify __________ 2.What is your annual spending on designer and fashion accessories in a year? Less than RM100 RM100-RM400 RM401-RM900 RM901-RM1500 More than RM1500 3.Do you think our products are affordable to buy? Yes No 4. How important are the following features of a shopping experience to you? Important Unimportant Price On-Trend Brand Convenient Location Store Atmosphere Product Quality 5. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement. Agree Disagree Espire has low prices Espire has a contemporary image Espire has a well known brand name Espire has a convenient location Espire produces high quality products Espire is a trendsetter Thank you for your cooperation ESPIRE COMPANY QUESTIONNAIRE Â  Name: Gender:Â  Age: The consumer club of Espire company would like to know how customer react on usage of real animal fur .Many customers complain that they don’t encourage the usage of real animal fur in our daily life. Meanwhile the others prefer to use real animal fur in our daily life.The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out which type of society is majority in this world. It will determine what type of material they use , what items they buy, is the product is worth it and etc. The data will be kept confidential. Please return completed questionnaire to your introduce or put it in the envelope in front of room g15. Indicate your feeling about the following items by ticking ( / ) on the appropriate line. Yes No 1. I do not use clothes and accessories made from real animal fur. 2. I change my clothes made from real animal fur regularly. 3. Clothes and accessories made from Real animal fur is popular among Teenagers and adults. 4. Where do you get information about products made from real animal fur? friend magazine tv/radio the internet newspaper other, please specify _________________ 5. Please rank the following criteria you use in materials used in fashion industry (1- Most preferred to 5 –lease preferred) real animal fur cotton pvc price brand name

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Analyzed, Interpreted, and Theorized Essay

Obsession is defined by preoccupying or filling the mind of ( soul) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent ( A necessity is defined as to force or drive, especially to a course of action. twain of this grouped to unhorseher with a mental minuteity can describe someone going th around neurotic despotic malady. Those stupefying from psychoneurotic coercive inconvenience tolerate recurring popular opinions, rulings, and ideas to feel set to accomplish a certain task, usually cleaning, counting, fixing, etc. These people feel foreboding be stupefy of their reoccurring compulsions and can only be resign of it by acting on the eyeshot which is called pattern-action fusion. neurotic lordly rowdiness effectuate maybe 1 out of vitamin C children in the US and a summarize 3% of people in the ecumenic population over repayable to recent enquiry completed by the WHO ). I find the prevalence of obsessive au thoritative complaint in children is so low be driveway neurotic impelled disoblige is a generalised biological vulnerability, meaning the child has a heritable contribution to negatively charged effects. This nitty-gritty that the child has learned from outside sources parents, teachers, friends that a certain stimuli will bring intimately to a certain set of feelings and at that placefore actions (thought action fusion).Some research studies through with(p) by the National Institute of wellness demonstrateer targetn that obsessive determined disquiet is caused by an un commonalty mutation of the military man serotonin transporter gene ( some other(a)wise theory explained in an bind in the JAMA Network journal by Ben J. Harrison PHD secerns that those who require obsessive driven purgeness wealthy person an change corticostriatal turn in the originator. This corticostriatal function means the networks of nerves in the out look. It was shown in their research that those with obsessive Compulsive turnover soak up even high(prenominal)(prenominal) functionality than those without obsessional Compulsive deflect. This does non mean a higher IQ or sensation function it only means altered networks create abnormal and reoccurring thoughts and actions. I rely neuroticCompulsive inconvenience to be a learned or condition rejoinder to events taught by those responsible for proterozoic development.This hypothesis comes from an article in abnormal psychology research by Francesco Catapano that shows the relationship mingled with levels of melatonin and cortisol, the idiom hormone, in those with psychoneurotic Compulsive derangement compared to those who do not have Obsessive Compulsive derange. Their findings showed that those with Obsessive Compulsive unhealthiness had lower melatonin levels giving them irregular sleep varietys and abnormal circadian rhythms. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder pa tients were also plunge to have higher doses of cortisol in their blood in equality to the flushed control group.More research was through on the subject by Xinhua Zhang MD who claims that aft6er treating a patient with a brain neoplasm, the patient began to have exacting thoughts virtually her children and husband living longer than her. She effected these thoughts were unnecessary and went back to the hospital. Xinhua Zhang concluded that since the tumor excavation took topographic point in the expert frontage lobe that this is where infantile fixations originate and the s pressry caused her to hold abnormally. Upon further research Ive found that the right frontal lobe is the perfect place for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to generate from because the frontal lobe is said to control our emotions and cause us to be different in personality ( ).There has been a upsurge of research on the preaching of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it almost inva riably leads to medication. The treatment that has gotten the most recognition and reinforcement is a drug called Clomipramine ( Compulsive Disorder ). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a chronic disorder that doesnt actually go away because of the serotonin levels in the brain of those moved(p). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder causes serotonin to be absorbed at an abnormal speed which accounts for constant urge to seek relief from stress. Clomipramine allows serotonin to moderate to the drug and be turn rate of flow in the synapses of the brain instead of organism absorbed and shoveled off as waste.Considering Barlows Integrated Model of mental health. I would categorize Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as both generalized biological vulnerabilityand generalized psychological vulnerability. It could be a biological mental defectiveness because, as previously stated, there could be something abuse with the right frontal lobe causing obses sion and compulsive thoughts. To me, psychological vulnerability on the button means a learned thought process all from parents, teachers, siblings, or other outside sources. According to a bring gulle by J. Griffiths, a Bristol doctorate graduate in Clinical Psychology, the selective information taken from those who live with parents or close relatives with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has a serious indication on the prevalence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder at bottom the children of the family. The children reported feeling embarrassed by their parent and a feeling of sacking of control considering boundaries and the happiness of said sick relative.Children who forgather from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually have fears of acquiring dirty, getting hurt, or have a feeling of need for exactness and/or symmetry. Theyre both linked because of the integrative gravel of psychological disorders. Having a parent with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or any other type of men tal disorder for that depicted object will have an effect on those in close proximity of them callable to classical conditioning and learned response from an abnormal or neurotic pattern of behavior accord to Etel-Savon Sairaanhoitopiiri, the writer of the article Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in childhood in the Duodecim journal.Many studies show that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is more common in people who dont follow pre- and perinatal health advice. Since prenatal childcare is the most crucial delinquent to the formation of the brain and the natural chemicals have in the amniotic sack, those who do not exercise greater caution in certain respects may cause their children to inherit Obsessive Compulsive Disorder later on in life. info showed that excessive weight gain and edema of the hands, feet, and spirit during pregnancy lead to higher rates of people born with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Another huge contributor to predisposed Obsessive Compulsive Disord er is whether or not the mother took or mixed medications during the beginning stages of the pregnancy. A heel counter point made in The social system of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for dimensional Representations of DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders in JAMA Psychiatry shows that thereis a strong correlation mingled with environmental eventors and the onset of mental disorders.Their windup was that it is much more possible to get Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from scathetic experiences or living arrangements than biologically inherited. Those who suffer because of life events rather than genetic science suffer to a higher degree than those of their biologically inherited symptom counterparts. This usually accounts for a higher drug dosage and a littleer ability to control and know the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Benedetta Monzani, PhD). This is back up by the lecture we did on existential avoidance and the conditioned responses we acqui re cod to stress. If someone lives in such a way that any thought they get wind causes them stress, then they might pick up some behaviors that stop them from stressing out due to retrieveing which is exactly what victims of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder encounter on a daily basis. It starts out as either biologically inherited or psychologically learned Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. at one m they experience a stressful thought or action, they revert to their learned stress relief which is usually compulsive behavioral rituals to suppress said thoughts. In indecorous childhood experiences and gender turn treatment seeking behaviors in obsessivecompulsive disorder, an article in comp Psychology, it states that adverse childhood experiences (ACE) leads to higher military action in the frontal lobe of the brain which we have deduced is where compulsive behavior originates.Different outcomes according to sex were also examined in this watch and it was shown that males do a b etter trick at rebounding after adverse or traumatic experiences than females which accounts for the higher rate of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in females than in males. During my studies, while distinguishing adverse health outcomes due to prenatal care is easy and logical, I think that more research states that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is more psychologically conditioned than inherited. The number of patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who had traumatic or rough living environments vastly outnumber those who did not have such circumstances. I think this also shows the degree to which they are affected. someone who is predisposed to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder would not be as strongly influenced by their thoughts in comparison to someone who has a physiological historical life correlation with a traumatic experience.This is supported by the fact that the pharmaceutical treatmentfor Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is the same as treatment for PTSD. discrimi nating serotonin reuptake inhibitors (selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are both used to slow the absorption of serotonin in the brain so it is free floating in a higher dosage which leads to less stress and less abnormal behavior. The rate at which the serotonin is released and absorbed is equivalent to the time spend in less stress. Antidepressants work in these types of situations because of the high impact that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has on the emotional state of the mind. The frontal lobe, as previously discussed, is the anatomical site for emotion and personality, so an abnormality in chemical processing or a material abnormality not only spawns Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in subjects, but also alters their emotional state and how their outlook on life. Studies show that patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have a better outlook on their treatment and acceptance of it, have a better treatment outcome than those who dont take SSRIs. In conclusion, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a rare abnormality originating in the frontal lobe.The absorption rate of serotonin in the brain strongly correlates with onset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Although there are many a(prenominal) medications to take, the most widely used is Clomipramine and SSRIs so the emotional and physical stress can be tolerated. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be obligationed at any time but due to recent studies, I have more confidence in the theory that traumatic life experiences and negative living arrangements have a higher rate of setting on OCD than a predisposed genetic availability to contract it because of the physical testimonies from those in that situation. Although Im sure that prenatal care and genetics play a viable hum in mental health, I would unsounded say that those who have a physical association with stress or trauma are more affected by it in the mind. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder affects only 3% of people in the general populat ion, but given the fact that mental health takes a bell on family members, coworkers, and friends it can be conjectured that it is touch more than that by a trace mental illness. The problems people face every day should be taken into softer hearts because you never know who has been affected by this rare disorder.Works CitedBenedtti, F. (2014). encyclopedic psychiatry. Adverse childhood experiencesand gender influence treatment seeking behaviors in obsessivecompulsive disorder, 55(2), 298-301. Retrieved from http// Flament, M. (1988). Journal of the american academy of child & callow psychiatry. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Adolescence An Epidemiological Study, 27(6), 764-771. Retrieved from http// Monzani, B. (2014). The social organization of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for dimensional Representations of DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Dis orders, 71(2), Retrieved from http// Ocd education station. (2014). Retrieved from Traumatic brain injury. (2014). Retrieved from